Bats are fascinating and often misunderstood creatures that play a vital role in our ecosystem. Despite the myths surrounding them, bats are beneficial to humans and the environment. Let’s explore bat behavior and habits while providing practical tips for preventing bats from becoming a nuisance in your home.

Bat Behavior and Habits

Bats are unique mammals known for their ability to fly. They are active primarily at night (nocturnal) and have several distinctive behaviors and habits.


Most bats are insectivores, meaning they primarily eat insects. A single bat can consume thousands of insects in one night, making them excellent natural pest controllers. Some species feed on fruits (frugivores) or nectar (nectarivores), while a few species, like the vampire bat, feed on blood.


Bats navigate and hunt using echolocation. They emit high-frequency sounds that bounce off objects, helping them determine the location, size, and shape of their prey and surroundings. This sophisticated navigation system allows them to fly and hunt in complete darkness.


Bats roost in various places, including caves, trees, and man-made structures like attics and barns. They prefer dark, secluded areas that offer protection from predators and harsh weather. Roosting sites can be temporary (used for resting) or permanent (used for raising young).


Bats typically give birth to one or two pups per year. Mating usually occurs in the fall, but fertilization is delayed until spring. Female bats gather in maternity colonies to give birth and care for their young, who are dependent on their mothers for several weeks to months.

Migration and Hibernation

Some bat species migrate to warmer areas during the winter, while others hibernate. Hibernating bats enter a state of torpor, significantly reducing their metabolic rate to conserve energy during periods of low food availability.

The Importance of Bats in the Ecosystem

Bats provide numerous ecological benefits, making their conservation crucial.

Pest Control: By consuming large quantities of insects, bats help control pest populations, reducing the need for chemical pesticides and benefiting agricultural crops.

Pollination and Seed Dispersal: Nectar-feeding bats play a vital role in pollinating flowers while fruit-eating bats help disperse seeds, promoting plant diversity and forest regeneration.

Research Contributions: Bats contribute to scientific research, particularly in areas such as echolocation and disease control. Understanding their biology and behavior can lead to advancements in technology and medicine.

Bat Prevention Tips

Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for potential entry points, such as gaps in the roof, eaves, and vents. Seal any openings larger than a quarter-inch with caulk, steel wool, or other appropriate materials. Ensure doors and windows are properly fitted and screened.

Install Bat Houses: Provide alternative roosting sites by installing bat houses away from your home. This can attract bats to a designated area where they can benefit the environment without becoming a nuisance.

Use Exclusion Devices: If bats are already roosting in your home, use exclusion devices to allow them to leave but not re-enter. These one-way valves or tubes should be installed after ensuring no bats are trapped inside. It’s best to perform exclusions during the late summer or early fall when young bats are capable of flying.

Maintain Your Property: Keep your property well-maintained by trimming overgrown vegetation and removing dead trees or branches. This reduces the number of potential roosting sites near your home.

Avoid Using Pesticides: Pesticides and other harmful chemicals can negatively impact bat populations and the environment. Instead, focus on non-lethal methods for bat prevention and exclusion.

Seek Professional Help: If you have a significant bat infestation or are unsure how to handle the situation, contact a wildlife removal professional. They can safely and humanely remove bats from your home and advise on preventing future issues.

Bats are integral to our ecosystem, providing essential services like pest control, pollination, and seed dispersal. By understanding their behavior and habits and implementing effective prevention methods, we can coexist with these remarkable creatures and ensure their conservation. Embracing the presence of bats can lead to a healthier, more balanced environment for all.

Critter Control employs trained professionals skilled in utilizing effective bat control and bat-proofing techniques to address your commercial bird issues.

Contact us or call 508.690.0076 today for a consultation.