Much like their relatives rats and mice, voles are small vegetarian rodents. Unlike their fellow rodents, however, voles do not typically get into homes. Instead, these pesky nuisance critters can cause serious landscape damage. Call Critter Control of Cape Cod today at (508) 690-0076 for assistance with professional vole removal today or visit our contact form.

Vole Removal Services

Vole control in Cape CodSince manmade structures lack groundcover and sufficient plant material, voles do not typically enter human homes. However, they do frequently enter yards. Their presence is easily detected thanks to the pathways they create leading to and from their burrow entrances. Yards with gardens, unkempt grass, or overgrown groundcover make enticing burrow sites for voles.

Voles do not directly harm people, but they can devastate crops, gardens, lawns, golf courses, and irrigation systems with their burrowing and feeding habits. The animals have also been known to damage young trees and orchards by gnawing at bark and chewing saplings. Like many rodents, voles are capable of carrying diseases, but they are not a significant source of illness. 

Keeping Voles Off Your Property

  • Saplings and young trees can be protected by covering them at the base with cloth, plastic, or wire mesh.
  • Keeping lawns and grassy spaces mowed, trimmed, and weeded also helps discourage vole populations.
  • Fences at least a foot high and buried at least half a foot underground often prove effective at keeping the rodents out of gardens.

Vole Control in Cape Cod

For the most part, voles are classified as protected non-game animals that may only be trapped, removed, or destroyed if they pose an immediate threat to health or property. Since the effective removal of voles can be difficult, wildlife control experts should be called to handle the problematic rodents. Critter Control professionals have the training and experience to successfully rid residential and commercial properties of vole infestations.

We can help you get rid of vole problems. Call Critter Control of Cape Cod today: (508) 690-0076

Request a Quote
Tunnels in the grass? Mouse-like rodents in your shrubs and landscaping? Those scurrying little critters may well be voles. Call Critter Control of Cape Cod today for effective vole removal and exclusion services. (508) 690.0076
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