Animals in your Cape Cod Attic

Hearing something in the attic? If you hear suspicious noises above you (especially at night), you likely have an animal in the attic. You can narrow down which type of animal is in your attic based on considerations like the type of sound, what time of day you hear the noises, and types of evidence you may notice. Many different critters can get in, but the most common animals in the attic are:

Are There Bats in my Attic?Bats in Cape Cod attic

Bats like a cool, quiet place to nest, and they will stay in the same place year after year. Only the females nest together, and each year, they have one baby, which means the bat population in your attic will double each year. 

Like most animals, bats can squeeze through small holes. They likely got into your attic through small gaps in your attic vents or openings in your roof line. Unless your attic gets very cold, which is rare, bats will live in your attic year-round. 

The best way to know you have bats in your attic as opposed to any other animal is to see them flying in and out of your home. This can be tricky because they are nocturnal, which means they are most active in the evening hours. 

Is It Squirrels in the Attic?

The most common animal to invade your Cape Cod attic is squirrels. Squirrels are looking for a warm and dry place to live, often to have their babies. They love to chew, so if they find a small hole in your home, they will chew it to make it more easily accessible. 

You will know you have squirrels in your attic because they are most active during the daytime. You’ll hear scurrying and scratching. If you find droppings in your home that look like large, dark grains of rice, those have been left behind by squirrels. 

Squirrels have multiple litters per year, one in the summer and one in the winter. Each litter produces multiple squirrels, so the population in your attic can add up quickly if not resolved in a timely manner.

Removing Squirrel Nests from Your Attic 

After entering your home through small holes and openings, squirrels will often build nests in your attic as shelter for their young. Squirrel nests are oversized clumps of twigs, leaves, insulation, or any other type of torn material they have access to. Squirrel nests in your attic can cause extensive damage to the structure of your Cape Cod home as well as any electrical wiring. 

The best way to remove squirrel nests from your attic is to call the professionals at Critter Control of Cape Cod. 

We specialize in squirrel trapping and removal. We will determine the most effective and humane way to remove squirrel(s) from your attic. After removing the squirrel(s) from your attic, we will clean up the nest and repair any damage caused by the squirrel. Our specialist will apply a sanitization and ectoparasite agent to clean up after the squirrels. Lastly, we will seal up any holes or opening, to ensure the squirrel(s) are gone for good!

Are There Raccoons in the Attic?raccoon in trap in Cape Cod

Raccoons can be one of the most destructive animals to enter your home. They are large, have great dexterity, and are great at causing trouble. One of the most destructive things they do is leave behind their droppings. Raccoon droppings are large, and they leave them in a pile, which is very damaging to your attic and can seep into the drywall. 

You’re most likely to find raccoons in your attic during the spring; however, they can live in your attic year-round. In the spring, raccoons have their babies, which makes for an even larger problem. 

Because raccoons have great dexterity, they can rip through most materials. If there is any area on your home such as a loose shingle or chimney cap, raccoons will rip it apart to gain entry.  

Rodents in the Attic

Rodents like mice and rats are another very common animal to have infested your Cape Cod attic. They cause a lot of damage, from chewing wires to leaving droppings to tearing insulation. 

You can identify rodent noises by scurrying and light scratching. Because they are so small, they can get in anywhere in your home, from your attic to the pantry. They leave behind many droppings, which look like the shape and size of grains of rice but are dark brown. 

You will find rodents in your home year-round. They can squeeze through a hole the size of a dime, so it’s important to properly seal your home to keep them out. 

No matter what animal is in your Cape Cod attic, Critter Control of Cape Cod can help! We have a team of professionals with the best exclusion techniques on the market to get your home back to normal. Don't risk your family's safety by letting the problem go another day--give us a call for a fast and FREE phone estimate today! 508.690.0076